Color Circle

Color Circle support

Color Circle for iPhone makes choosing a color fun. You rotate the Hue (outer) wheel to choose a color, then adjust the Saturation/Lightness (inner) circle to saturate or desaturate (left or right), lighten or darken it (down or up). When you drag the inner circle, it snaps to either horizontal or vertical direction in order to make desired changes easier. That lets you adjust only saturation or only lightness without changing the other.

You can preview the color full-screen by touching the color itself. After you're done looking, touch it again to dismiss.

On the lower-left corner of the app there's a share button. Touch it to share your favourite colour with friends or colleagues however you see fit.

In case the application doesn't work for you or you need any other kind of assistance with it, please leave a feedback inside the app or contact me at

© 2010 Marius Siegas